All you need to know to start playing
In this article, you will find out how to log in for the first time, how to choose skills, the character’s name, gender, race, appearance, initial city, merchants, and in-game commands.
Logging in for the first time

Type in your login and password and press Enter.

Select a game world. Most of the time it’s the only one on the list, so just press on the planet icon.

The game client is downloaded from an official website, so there are classes like Ninja, Necromancer, Samurai, and Paladin. They are inactive here, only on the POL server.
Select Warrior or Mage.
The best way of choosing your character would be to find some information about professions and select an appropriate skill set.

You may choose 4 skills and main properties. It’s not very important to select specific ones, as all the skills can be trained and stats may be improved. When choosing skills, you will also receive items required for selected skills.

Choose a man or woman. Because this is a POL server, the rest of the options will be unavailable.
Please name your character decently. Otherwise, your character will be renamed by the administration according to the game rules.

Skip this choice as it won’t do much and just continue.

After the character is created he/she will be placed in a room of race selection. Find more below.
Zuluhotel game races
To widen the range of the characters’ properties we have added the following races.
Barbarian. Battle madness of Barbarians makes them desperately look for weaknesses in their enemies, therefore the chance of crit increases by 10% in short-range combats.
Elf. The ancient art of Archery and perfect Elfs’ vision allow a chance of crit in long-range combat to increase by 10%.
Orc. Creatures that got out of the depths of the caves, learned to adapt to any conditions, having learned to survive, acquired the ability of 5 damage reflection.
Goblin. They were once human but were exiled for their dishonorable crimes and had to hide underground. Later they became goblins, as a result of which they have a +5% casting speed +10% Intelligence.
Dwarf. These short people get 5 units less damage from any attacks and magic because of natural resistance and their physical and spiritual strength.
Dark Elf. The ancient traditions of using both dark and light magic among Dark Elves allow them to use magic more efficiently. So, their magic efficiency increases by 15%.
Human. Raised in big cities they are used to paving the way without being noticed. As a result, the chance of hitting a human decreases by 5%. Also, hit accuracy in long- and short-range combats increased by 5%.
Race bonuses: Dodge, Damage Reflection, and Damage Absorb are effective only against monsters.
Entering the game world

After choosing a race, your character will be moved to the starting location, where you cannot be robbed or killed by another player, but animals can die there and monsters can kill you.
Here you will find all the necessary to train your skills and stats to 75.
For fast and effective skill training, you should know which tools to buy and where, and what else may be required.
Newbie Land
The initial city is called Newbie Land. It is a nice and safe place to start from. There is everything you need to start training your skills.
Newbie land is an Island that you can’t sail from. To enter other lands there is a world portal on the left of the Inn.
On the right side of the island, there are mines and dungeons.
Within the whole land, the skills are trained 30% faster than in the outer world from 0 to 75.
Information about the vendors
Game name | Profession | Items | Train skills |
Alchemist | Alchemist | Sells reagents, potions, and potion-making tools | Alchemy = 40 TasteId = 40 Resist = 40 |
Animal Trainer | Animal Trainer | Loaded Lamas Horses Loaded Horses Sheep rabbits Dogs Cats Bandages for healing | Animal Lore = 40, Animal Taming = 40, Veterinary = 40. |
Architect | Architect | Sells different types of houses. Urns for the house. Contracts with hired merchants. | Carpentry = 40. |
Armorer | Armor seller | Sells forged metal armor | Parrying = 40, Anatomy = 40. |
Baker | Baker | Cooked food and tools for cooking | Cooking = 40, Taste id = 40, Camping = 40 |
Banker | Banker | Keeps your personal belongings safe. | Doesn’t train the characters. |
Barber | Barber | Hair or beard dye. Different types of haircuts and beard trims | Doesn’t train the characters. |
Bard | Bard | Sells musical instruments and song book instruments. | Musicianship = 40, Provocation = 40, Peacemaking = 40, Begging = 40 |
Barkeeper | Barkeeper | Sells alcohol. | Taste Id = 40 |
Beekeeper | Beekeeper | Sells bee hives, honey, and candles. | Doesn’t train the characters. |
Blacksmith | Blacksmith | Sells blacksmithy’s tools and smelted metal. | Arms Lore = 40, Blacksmithy = 40 |
Bowyer | Bowyer | Sells bows and ammunition. | Archery = 40. |
Butcher | Butcher | Sells skinning knife, raw and cooked food. | Cooking = 40, Forensic = 40. |
Carpenter | Carpenter | Sells carpenter’s tools. | Carpentry = 40, Bowcraft = 40. |
Cobbler | Shoemaker | Sells several pairs of leather shoes. | Tailoring = 40. |
Decorator | Decorator | Sells home decorations. | Doesn’t train the characters. |
Farmer | Farmer | Sells fruit and vegetables, and seeds for planting. | Lumber = 40. |
Fisherman | Fisherman | Sells fishing poles and raw fish. | Fishing = 40, Cooking = 40. |
Florist | Florist | Decorative trees for houses. | Doesn’t train the characters. |
Gardener | Gardener | Botanical scissors, Banana tree seeds, Apple seeds, Peach tree seeds, Pear tree seeds | Doesn’t train the characters. |
Healer | Healer | Restores health and cures poison if someone passes by. | Doesn’t train the characters. |
HighPriest | HighPriest | Removes cursed items and uncurses them. Restores health and cures poison. Casts protection or bless. | Doesn’t train the characters. |
Innkeeper | Innkeeper | A variety of goods for professions and resources. | Cooking = 40, Healing = 40. |
Jeweler | Jeweler | Sells gems and jewelry. | Tinkering = 40. |
Logger | Lumberjack | Sells logging tools. | Lumberjacking = 40, Bowcraft = 40, Sword = 40. |
Mage | Mage | Sells magical clothing, reagents, books, and runes | Magery = 40, Spirit = 40, Meditation = 40, Eval uation = 40. |
Mapmaker | Mapmaker | Sells tools for cartography and maps. | Cartography = 40. |
Miner | Miner | Sells mining tools and ore. | Mining = 40, Mace = 40. |
Provisioner | Provisioner | Sells different types of tools, backpacks, bandages, keys, and other items. | Hiding = 40, Healing = 40, ItemId = 40. |
Ranger | Ranger | Sells long-range weapon and ammunition | Archery = 40, Tracking = 40. |
Scribe | Scribe | Sells magic reagents, scrolls, and inscription tools. | Inscription = 40, ItemId = 40. |
Shepherd | Shepherd | Sells shepherd’s tools. | Musicianship = 40, Herding = 40, Enticement = 40. |
Shipwright | Shipwright | Sells ships. | Doesn’t train the characters. |
Tailor | Tailor | Sells tailor’s tools, fabric, and clothes. | Tailoring = 40, ArmsLore = 40. |
Tanner | Tanner | Sells leather and leather goods. | Tailoring = 40, ArmsLore = 40. |
Thief | Thief | Sells lockpicks, chests, and keys for training chests. | Snooping = 40, Lockpicking = 40, Detect = 40, Hiding = 40, Poisoning = 40, Stealing = 40, Stealth = 40. |
Tinker | Mechanic | Sells tools for detailed tinkering. | Tinkering = 200, Removetrap = 200. |
Tutorialsaler | Rare items merchant for Hunters | Sells jewelry with element protection. | Doesn’t train the characters. |
Vegseller | Greengrocer | Sells vegetables, fruit, and seeds. | Doesn’t train the characters. |
Waiter | Waiter | Sells food and drinks. | Doesn’t train the characters. |
Weaponsalesman | Weapon seller | Sells close-range weapon. | Anatomy = 40, Healing = 40, Wrestling = 40, Sword = 40, Tactics = 40, Fencing = 40, Mace = 40. |
Game commands
Game commands can be used to open various menus, interact with NPCs and different items, and many other options.
Commands for the characters
The following commands are typed in the game chat like this:
Example: “.myinfo”.
Provides information about the character.
The first page of the menu specifies the name and level information of the character.
You can see the accuracy of the weapon that is being carried at the moment of opening the menu.
There is also magic efficiency of different types of protection as well as elemental protection on the second page of the menu.
The character’s stats and skills are listed on the 3rd and 4th pages.
Any player can also set the highest stat and skill of all.
For example, you can train skills and stats until 150 level on your own and up to 170 with the help of Zulu coins. If a stat or a skill is ticked in the menu, it can be increased to 200.
Here you can change the password, loop or unloop item crafting, and select the quantity of the items that can be stacked up, e.g. potion bottles, scrolls, etc.
On the character’s icon, there is a similar game command that shows the skills and lets you lock or unlock some skill training.

Shows the number of common reagents in the character’s backpack.
Shows the number of rare reagents.

Character’s commands
Title | Feature |
.c | Changes in the functionality of communication between guilds. |
.c + “text” | Communication between your guild, your allies’ or opponents’ guild. |
.count | Move the cursor over the backpack to count the number of items. |
.fixme | Resets all frozen properties or casts of the character. (recast time 60 seconds) |
.removejewels | Removes all jewelry from the character |
.guards | Call the guard (100 gold charge). Works in cities with guards. |
.hungry | Check the character’s hunger. |
.redeed | Deed the item to the initial state (scroll). |
.showclasse | Check the character’s level. |
.where | Find out the coordinates of the character’s location. |
.suicide | Kills your character. |
.scast | Using spell scrolls via commands. |
.rescue | Move the dead character to the starting zone. |
.forceportal | Removes or returns the confirmation menu when entering a portal. |
.g | Chat with players (please follow the rules of the community) |
.addcastlefriend | Add a character to the list of owners of the captured castle |
.date | Find out today’s date. |
.deedhuntpoint | With «Premium Account» perk you may transfer your game points for killing into scrolls. |
.love | Express appreciation. |
.gquit | Leave the guild. |
.zulusales | List an item for sale in the main market’s auction room. |
.dressinfo | Check the “Ferocioue Lion” legendary armor bonus. |
.showcaps | Shows more than 130 unlocked skills. |
.drink | Drink a certain potion. |
NPC game commands
Title | For whom used | Feature |
Bank | Banker | Opens your private storage. |
Balance | Banker | Tells how much gold is in the bank. |
Withdraw | Banker | Withdraws a certain amount of money from the bank. |
Help | Almost any NPC | Almost any NPC will tell you all the available commands. |
Buy | Vendor | Buy items from the seller. |
Sell | Vendor | Sell items to the seller. |
Sell all | Vendor | Sell the same items. |
Sell bag | Vendor | Sell all the items in the backpack. |
Estimate bag | Vendor | Estimate items in the backpack. |
Estimate | Vendor | Estimate item. |
Identify | Mage or Scribe | Identify the magic item. |
Vendor train | Vendor | Learn the skill |
Uncurse | HighPriest | Remove the cursed item. |
Purify | HighPriest | Clear off the curse from the item. |
Heal | HighPriest | Restore health. |
Bless | HighPriest | Receive Bless. |
Cure | HighPriest | Receive antidote. |
Protection | HighPriest | Receive protection. |
Detect Curse | HighPriest | Detect the curse on the item. |
Commands for managing properties.
These commands work on your private vendor, in a house or on a boat, and on a tamed animal.
Commands for houses
Title | Feature |
i wish to lock this down | Locks down the object |
i wish to release this | Unlocks the object |
i wish to secure this | Creates safe storage that only the permitted characters may use. |
i wish to unsecure this | Removes safe storage |
i wish to raise this | Lifts the object |
i wish to lower this | Lowers the object |
i ban thee | Forbids the character to enter the house |
remove thyself | Lets the character o go out of the house |
i wish to place a trash barrel | Places a trash barrel |
i wish to remove a trash barrel | Removes a trash barrel |
i wish to place a home dummy | Places a home dummy |
i wish to remove a home dummy | Removes a home dummy |
i wish to place a teleport | Places a teleport |
i wish to remove a teleport | Removes the teleport |
Vendor commands
Title | Feature |
collect | Collects money. |
strip | This command takes away everything the vendor sells. |
undress | If he was wearing your clothes and had your items, they will be put in your backpack. If he wasn’t wearing anything additional, his clothes will simply disappear. |
help | Shows all the commands the vendor supposedly understands. |
wear | Puts a piece of clothes on the vendor. |
contact | Allows the owner to fill in the contact information. Shows this info to a buyer (an email or ICQ). |
status | Shows how much money the vendor possesses. |
purchase | Allows specifying the list of items and the price of items that the seller is willing to buy. |
release | Fires the vendor. The vendor dies and the Vendor’s deed appears in your backpack. |
follow | The seller will follow you. |
stop | Stops the vendor if the “follow” command was used previously. |
Tamed animals commands
Title | Feature |
come | Orders to come close to your character. |
drop | Orders to drop all the items on the ground. |
fetch get bring | Orders to bring the item pointed at with mouse cursor. |
follow | Orders to follow the creature pointed at with mouse cursor. |
follow me | Orders to follow your character. |
guard | Orders to guard the item pointed at with mouse cursor. The guarding animal or the one hired stays near the object and attacks anyone who is trying to hit, pick up or use the object, except for the owner and his friends. |
guard me | Orders to guard your character. |
kill attack | Orders to attack the creature pointed at with mouse cursor. Sometimes isn’t obeyed. |
transfer | By using this command, you will tell the animal to consider the character pointed at with a mouse cursor as the new owner. Is used when the animal is sold. |
stop | Stops the current command. |
stable | By giving this command to the Animal trainer and paying him a small sum of money, you will turn your animal into a deed. To un-deed the animal, drag your deed onto the Animal trainer NPC. |
stay | Orders to stand still. |
Ship commands
Command | Feature |
forward | Forward |
back | Backward |
left | Move left with no rotation |
right | Move right with no rotation |
stop | Stop the ship |
turn | Turn in the pointed direction |
port | Turn left |
starboard | Turn right |
come about | Turn around |
full | Go full speed in the pointed direction |
raise anchor | Raise anchor |
drop anchor | Drop anchor |
drydock | Put the ship back in a scroll |
ballast | Throw an item or corpse overboard |
Use of potions
To use a potion you should type .drink “name potion” in the chat. E.g.: .drink lheal.
Title | Potion’s title in the game | Potion’s properties |
lheal | light heal | Light healing potion |
heal | heal | Medium healing potion |
gheal | greater heal | Strong healing potion |
lpoison | lesser poison | Light poison potion |
poison | poison | Medium poison potion |
gpoison | greater poison | Strong poison potion |
dpoison | deadly poison | Deadly poison potion |
lexpl | lesser explosion | Light explosive potion |
expl | explosion | Medium explosive potion |
gexpl | greater explosion | Strong explosive potion |
ldex | lesser agility | Light agility potion |
dex | agility | Medium agility potion |
gdex | greater agility | Strong agility potion |
refresh | refresh | Medium stamina potion |
frefresh | full refresh | Strong stamina potion |
lstr | lesser strength | Light strength potion |
str | strength | Medium strength potion |
gstr | greater strength | Strong strength potion |
night | nightsight | Nightsight potion |
lcure | lesser cure | Light potion of antidote |
cure | cure | Medium potion of antidote |
gcure | greater cure | Strong potion of antidote |
invis | invisibility | Potion of invisibility |
lint | Phandel’s Fine Intellect | Light potion of intellect |
int | Phandel’s Fabulous Intellect | Medium potion of intellect |
gint | Phandel’s Fantastic Intellect | Strong potion of intellect |
lprotect | lesser Mego Invulnerability | Light potion of protection |
protect | Mego Invulnerability | Medium potion of protection |
gprotect | greater Mego Invulnerability | Strong potion of protection |
magref | Grand Mage Refresh Elixir | Mana restoring potion |
homeric | Homeric Might | Light Bless potion |
ghomeric | Greater Homeric Might | Strong Bless potion |
talma | Tamla | Holy potion of health restoration |
ltrans | Taint’s Minor Transmutation | Light potion of Transmutation |
gtrans | Taint’s Major Transmutation | Strong potion of Transmutation |
Use of Food
Title |
.eat fbless |
.eat fhide |
.eat fagi |
.eat fcunning |
.eat fstr |
.eat cure |
.eat fheal |
.eat fmana |
.eat rangheal |
Scroll commands
To use scrolls, type .scast “scroll name” in the game chat. E.g. .scast antidote
Earth Book
Title | Spell |
antidote | Antidote |
owlsight | Owl Sight |
shift | Shifting Earth |
mammals | Summon Mammals |
clighting | Call Lightning |
ebless | Earth Blessing |
eportal | Earth Portal |
eheal | Nature’s Touch |
gustofair | Gust of Air |
rfire | Rising Fire |
shapeshift | Shapeshift |
icestrike | Ice Strike |
espirit | Earth Spirit |
fspirit | Fire Spirit |
sspirit | Storm Spirit |
wspirit | Water Spirit |
Codex Damnorum
Title | Spell |
control | Control Undead |
darkness | Darkness |
dray | Decaying Ray |
stouch | Spectre’s Touch |
aflame | Abyssal Flame |
animate | Animate Dead |
sacrifice | Sacrifice |
wbreath | Wraith Breath |
sbane | Sorcerer’s Bane |
spirit | Summon Spirit |
wraith | Wraithform |
wstrike | Wyvern Strike |
kill | Kill |
liche | Liche |
plague | Plague |
bind | Spellbind |
Holy Book
Title | Spell |
gfest | Grand Feast |
aaura | Angelic Aura |
hrefl | Holy Reflect |
removecurse | Remove Curse |
wgod | Wrath of God |
dfury | Divine Fury |
astorm | Astral Storm |
sguard | Summon Guardian |
apocalypse | Apocolypse |
Song Book
Title | Spell |
songshield | Musical Shield |
songregen | Regeneration |
songprot | Protection |
songcalm | Calm |
songsubmis | Submission |
songweaken | Weakness |
songcurato | Curato Musica |
songmentis | Mentis Musica |
songdivina | Divina Musica |
songhaste | Song of Haste |
songdefence | Song of Defense |
songglory | Song of Glory |
songcloaking | Song of Cloaking |
songlife | Song of Life |
songearth | Song of Earth |
songair | Song of Air |
songfire | Song of Fire |
songwater | Song of Water |
songfright | Song of Fright |
songsalvation | Song of Salvation |