Elemental Lords

Elemental Lords are ready to help everyone with armor and weapons to help the heroes in the battle against monsters.

Water Elemental Lord

The Water Elemental Lord of water accepts 2 types of items: pentagrams of water and shells.

Pentagrams can be looted from the defeated monsters.

Some shells may be obtained with a fishing pole, and some you can get only with fishnets. You must have a high Fishing skill.


War Fork of the Water ElementDeals additional Water Element damage. Damage dealt to players is 26-35, x2 damage dealt to monsters.
Leather Armor of Water ElementA full set of armor offers 100% Water Element protection.
Platemail Armor of Water ElementA full set of armor offers 100% Water Element protection.

Fire Elemental Lord

The Fire Elemental Lord of water accepts 1 type of item: the pentagram of fire.

Pentagrams can be looted from the defeated monsters.

The Fire Element KatanaDeals additional Fire Element damage. Damage dealt to players is 26-35, x2 damage dealt to monsters.
Leather Armor of Fire ElementA full set of armor offers 100% Fire Element protection.
Platemail Armor of Fire ElementA full set of armor offers 100% Fire Element protection.

Earth Elemental Lord

The Earth Elemental Lord of water accepts 1 type of item: the pentagram of earth.

Pentagrams can be looted from the defeated monsters.

The Earth Element War HammerDeals additional Earth Element damage. Damage dealt to players is 26-35, x2 damage dealt to monsters.
The Magic Leather Armor of Earth ElementA full set of armor offers 100% Earth Element protection.
Platemail Armor of Earth ElementA full set of armor offers 100% Earth Element protection.

Poison Elemental Lord

The Poison Elemental Lord of water accepts 1 type of item: the pentagram of poison.

Pentagrams can be looted from the defeated monsters.

Kryss of the Poison ElementPoisons the enemy with 4 lvl poison each hit.
Leather Armor of Poison ElementA full set of armor protects from 4 lvl poison.
Platemail Armor of Poison ElementA full set of armor protects from 4 lvl poison.

Shadow Elemental Lord

The Shadow Elemental Lord of water accepts 1 type of item: the pentagram of sahdow.

Pentagrams can be looted from the defeated monsters.

Pitchfork of the Shadow ElementDeals additional Shadow Element damage. Damage dealt to players is 26-35, x2 damage dealt to monsters.
Leather Armor of Shadow ElementA full set of armor offers 100% Shadow Element protection.
Platemail Armor of Shadow ElementA full set of armor offers 100% Shadow Element protection.

Air Elemental Lord

The Air Elemental Lord of water accepts 1 type of item: the pentagram of air.

Pentagrams can be looted from the defeated monsters.


Bow of the Air ElementDeals additional Air Element damage. Damage dealt to players is 26-35, x2 damage dealt to monsters.
Leather Armor of Air ElementA full set of armor offers 100% Air Element protection. Additional agility bonus.
Platemail Armor of Air ElementA full set of armor offers 100% Air Element protection. Additional agility bonus.

Holy Elemental Lord

The Holy Elemental Lord of water accepts 1 type of item: the pentagram of holy.

Pentagrams can be looted from the defeated monsters.

Shield of the Holy ElementProvides Holy Element protection and allows casting spells with it.
Leather Armor of Holy ElementA full set of armor offers 100% Holy Element protection.
Platemail Armor of Holy ElementA full set of armor offers 100% Holy Element protection.