
Magery is part of the class skill set of a Mage, Bard, and Hunter.

The skill allows you to cast different spells.

The use of spells is possible if the necessary reagents or scrolls are available.
When using spells from books, reagents and mana are consumed. In the case of using scrolls, scrolls and reagents are consumed.
Keep in mind, that scrolls have huge weight and the reagents weigh almost nothing.

Depending on the circumstances, it’s good to think ahead.
If you hunt monsters and loot, you will have enough reagents.
If you fight players, then reagents that aren’t purchased from merchants will be a very expensive waste, so it’s more beneficial to take scrolls with you.

Skill efficiency

All spells are initially cast with scrolls or specific books that can be bought or only found in loot.

Magic Protection

To protect yourself from Magery that uses scrolls or books is possible only with Blackrock, Moonstone, FreeAction, and element protection. For example, for all characters who do not have Resisting Spells in their skill set, Weaken, Curse spells, etc. will be dangerous, as they reduce your stats. Only Moonstone or Blackrock will protect from these spells.
In addition to the usual magic from scrolls and books, weapons can also be used. Only Blackrock protection can protect against weapons. And if the weapon hits with some kind of magic, then protection from this element can also help.

Mage and Bard are armed with such books as Secret of Water (Earth, Fire, Water, Air), which automatically remove protection from the target against which the spell is directed.
For example, if you have this book in your hands, and you cast the spell Gust of Air – (Air Element), and the enemy has only air defense 100%, then his defense will be reduced to 50% and damage will be dealt.
Thus, the indicated books (GM artifacts) will always damage your targets.

Types of spells

The number of required reagents depends on the character’s level and the skill amount. You’ll find the description of all reagents in this article:

Spell Book contains 64 spells. The book can be obtained by selecting the Magic skill during character creation. You can buy some spell scrolls into the Spell Book, the rest must be obtained in loot.
Spells from the book consume common reagents, skill requirements are different from 0 to 100.
You can use the skill even when your skill level is 20 skill points lower than the required one. For example, the Resurrection spell requires 90 Magery, with the Magery skill of 70 the character already has a chance to cast this spell.

The Spell Book can be used by all game classes.

Here is the info table about the 1 circle spells. Mana required: 4, Magery skill required: 20

TitleImageSpellResourcesSpell descriptionSpell protectionElement
ClumsyUus Jux
Reduces the target’s agilityMoonstone +1, Blackrock +1Isn’t relevant to elements.
Create FoodIn Mani Ylem

Creates foodHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.
FeeblemindRel Wis
Reduces the target’s intellectMoonstone +1, Blackrock +1Isn’t relevant to elements.
HealIn Mani

Restores healthMoonstone +1Isn’t relevant to elements. but deals damage to the undead.
Magic ArrowIn Por Ylem
Magic ArrowMoonstone +2, Blackrock +2Earth
Night SightIn Lor
Lightens the area around the characterHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.
Reactive ArmorFlam Sanct

Reflection of close-range attacksMoonstone +1Isn’t relevant to elements.
WeakenDes Mani
Reduces the target’s strengthMoonstone +1, Blackrock +1Isn’t relevant to elements.

Here is the info table about the 2 circle spells. Mana required: 6, Magery skill required: 30

TitleImageSpellResourcesSpell descriptionSpell protectionElement
AgilityEx Uus
Increases the target’s agilityMoonstone +2Isn’t relevant to elements.
CunningUus Wis
Increases the target’s intellectMoonstone +2Isn’t relevant to elements.
CureAn Nox
Cures from poisonMoonstone +2Isn’t relevant to elements.
HarmAn Mani
Inflicts magical damageMoonstone +2, Blackrock +2Water
Magic TrapIn Jux

Sets a magic trap from on a storageHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.
Magic UntrapAn Jux
Removes a magic trap from a storageHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.
ProtectionUus Sanct

Increases physical protectionMoonstone +2Isn’t relevant to elements.
StrengthUus Mani
Increases the target’s strengthMoonstone +2Isn’t relevant to elements.

Here is the info table about the 3 circle spells. Mana required: 9, Magery skill required: 40

TitleImageSpell RecourcesSpell descriptionSpell protectionElement
BlessRel SanctIncreases all stats (strength, agility, intellect)Moonstone +3Isn’t relevant to elements.
FireballVas Flam
Throws a fireball into the enemyMoonstone +3, Blackrock +3Fire
Magic LockAn Por
Locks the door or chest with the magic lockHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.
PoisonIn NoxPoisons your targetMoonstone +3, Blackrock +3, Poison Immun +6Poison
TelekinesisOrt Por Ylem
Interacts with an object at a distance. If the item is light, the spell moves it to the backpackHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.
TeleportRel Por
Moves the player to the specified location. Some places can block the way, like walls, obstacles, or uneven surfaces. There is a secret way how to pass them: 1. Energy Field – obstacles through which you can shoot with small arms or magic. These walls have a height that does not allow you to move through them (unless you are standing close to the target). Try to approach very close to the wall and move.HarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.
UnlockEx Por
Unlocked a closed door or a chestHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.
Wall of StoneIn Sanct Ylem
Creates a temporary stone wall that can be destroyed from up close or with Dispel Field and Earth Quake spellsHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.

Here is the info table about the 4 circle spells. Mana required: 11, Magery skill required: 50

TitleImageSpellResourcesSpell descriptionSpell protectionElement
Arch CureVas An Nox

Cures others and himself from poisonHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.
Arch ProtectionVas Uus Sanct

Increases the physical protection of others around HarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.
CurseDes Sanct

Temporarily reduces all stats of your enemy (strength, agility, intellect)Moonstone +4, Blackrock +4Isn’t relevant to elements.
Fire FieldIn Flam Grav

Creates a fire wall that deals damageBlackrock +4Fire
Greater HealIn Vas Mani

Heals the character with a strong spellMoonstone +4Isn’t relevant to elements.
LightningPor Ort Grav

Strike your target with a Lightning bolt.Moonstone +4, Blackrock +4Air
Mana DrainOrt Rel

Drains your enemy’s manaMoonstone +4, Blackrock +4Isn’t relevant to elements.
RecallKal Ort Por

Moves your characters further with Mark Rune.HarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.

Here is the info table about the 5 circle spells. Mana required: 14, Magery skill required: 60

TitleImageSpellResourcesSpell descriptionSpell protectionElement
Blade SpiritsIn Jux Hur Ylem

Summons a mechanical object with sharp knives that attacks everyoneDeals physical damage to the attackerIsn’t relevant to elements.
Dispel FieldAn Grav

Destroys any walls within rangeHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.
IncognitoKal In Ex

Used to change the character’s name. Not available now.HarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.
Magic ReflectionIn Jux Sanct

Reflection of any targeted spell directed at you.HarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.
Mind BlastPor Corp Wis

Deals damage based on the difference between the intelligence of the caster and the target.Количество интеллекта больше заклинателя, Moonstone +5, Blackrock +5Isn’t relevant to elements.
ParalyzeAn Ex Por

Paralyzes the target. The spell is removed with any hit. Repeated exposure along with this spell reduces the duration of paralysis.Moonstone +5, Blackrock +5,
FreeAction +1
Isn’t relevant to elements.
Poison FieldIn Nox Grav

Creates poison wallBlackrock +5,
Poison Imuun +6
Isn’t relevant to elements.
Summon CreatureKal Xen

Summons a creatureHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.

Here is the info table about the 6 circle spells. Mana required: 20, Magery skill required: 70

TitleImageSpellResourcesSpell descriptionSpell protectionElement
DispelAn Ort
Clears a character of temporary stat buffs or stat debuffs.Moonstone +6Isn’t relevant to elements.
Energy BoltCorp Por
Ball lightning strike on the enemyMoonstone +6, Blackrock +6,
Air + 4
ExplosionVas Ort Flam

Blows up the targeted character and surrounding enemies within 5 tilesBlackrock +6,
Fire +4
InvisibilityAn Lor Xen
Temporary invisibilityHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.
MarkKal Por Ylem

Saves the character’s coordinates on the Rune for future Recalls.HarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.
Mass CurseVas Des Sanct

Temporarily lowers all characteristics of those around you in the area of effect of the spell (Curse magic effect)Blackrock +6Isn’t relevant to elements.
Paralyze FieldIn Ex Grav

A wall with a trap. when stepped upon the character feels the effect of the Paralyze spell. Repeated impact with the wall reduces the duration of paralysis.Free Action +1Isn’t relevant to elements.
RevealWis Quas
Reveals all hidden characters and monsters within the range of the spell.Blackrock +6Isn’t relevant to elements.

Here is the info table about the 7 circle spells. Mana required: 40, Magery skill required: 80

TitleImageSpellResourcesSpell descriptionSpell protectionElement
Chain LightningVas Ort Grav

Inflicts lightning damage to everyone within the spell’s radius.Blackrock +7Air
Energy FieldIn Sanct Grav

creates an unpassable wall. Although you can use Teleport or attack it with long-range weapons (magery, arrows) to destroy it and pass through later on.HarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.
FlamestrikeKal Vas Flam
Sets the enemy on fire with a pole of fireMoonstone +7, Blackrock +7,
Fire+ 4
Gate TravelVas Rel Por

Creates a temporary portal on the rune (the rune must be marked with the Mark spell)HarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.
Mana VampireOrt Sanct

The caster takes the enemy’s mana away. Works if there is no protection and the caster’s intelligence is greater than the target’s.Moonstone +7, Blackrock +7Isn’t relevant to elements.
Mass DispelVas An Ort

Removes all temporary buffs and debuffs from those around the caster. It affects everyone.No protectionIsn’t relevant to elements.
Meteor SwarmKal Des Flam Ylem

Picks up rocks from the ground and throws them at the area indicated by the caster. Hits everyone around.Blackrock +7Earth
PolymorphVas Ylem Rel

Turns the caster into a random creature. the creature’s strength depends on the character’s magical efficiency and the shape of the animal depends on the Magic skillHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.

НHere is the info table about the 8 circle spells. Mana required: 50, Magery skill required: 90

TitleImageSpellResourcesSpell descriptionSpell protectionElement
EarthquakeIn Vas Por

Inflicts damage by shaking the earth around the targetBlackrock +8Earth
Energy VortexVas Corp Por

Summons Energy vortex that attacks the enemy and inflicts light damageNo protectionIsn’t relevant to elements.
ResurrectionAn Corp

Resurrects a game character if he is visible to the player. Deals damage to undead (based on half of existing health)HarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.
Summon DaemonKal Vas Xen Corp

Summons a demonNo protectionIsn’t relevant to elements.
Summon Air ElementalKal Vas Xen Hur

Summons the Air Elemental spiritNo protectionIsn’t relevant to elements.
Summon Earth ElementalKal Vas Xen Ylem

Summons the Earth Elemental spiritNo protectionIsn’t relevant to elements.
Summon Fire ElementalKal Vas Xen Flam

Summons the Fire Elemental spiritNo protectionIsn’t relevant to elements.
Summon Water ElementalKal Vas Xen An Flam

Summons the Water Elemental spiritNo protectionIsn’t relevant to elements.

The Book of the Earth contains 16 spells. The book can only be looted from monsters that can drop Pagan Reagents. Scrolls are obtained in the same way.
Spells from the book consume pagan reagents with skill requirements from 70 to 120.
Using a skill is possible with a skill that is 20 less than required. Example: The spell Antidote requires 70 magic, with 50 Magery skill the character already has a chance to cast this spell.

It’s not necessarily that the spells of the Earth Book must be only about the Earth element. There are different types of spells relevant to different elements.

This book can be used by a Mage, Hunter and a Wanderer.

Here are the spells contained in the Earth Book.

TitleSpellResourcesSpell descriptionSpell protectionElementMana requiredSkill required
AntidotePuissante Terre Traite Ce Patient

cures from poisonHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.1070
Owl SightVista Da NoiteLights the character, increases hit accuracyHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.1070
Shifting EarthEsmagemonto Con

Inflicts Earth elemental damage to an enemy, temporarily reducing the enemy’s Agility.Moonstone +6, Blackrock +6,
Earth+ 4 (если защита только от стихии, понижает ловкость)
Summon MammalssChame O Mamifero Agora

Massive animal summonHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.1070
Call LightningBatida Do Deus
Strikes an enemy with a thunderbolt.Moonstone +8, Blackrock +8,
Air+ 4,
Earth BlessingForia Da Terra

Temporarily increases all stats with a strong spellHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.2090
Earth PortalDestraves Limites Da Natureza

Creates a portal that can resurrect a dead characterHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.2090
Nature’s TouchGuerissez Par Terre

A strong healing spell that is different from the usual healing spells in that it does not damage the undead.HarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.2090
Gust of AirGust Do Ar

Deals heavy air damage to an enemy.Moonstone +10, Blackrock +10,
Air+ 4,
Rising FireBatida Do Fogo

Deals heavy fire damage to an enemy.Moonstone +10, Blackrock +10,
Fire+ 4,
ShapeshiftMude Minha Forma

Allows you to turn a character into the selected animal, the transformation gives a temporary bonus effect to all statsHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.30110
Ice StrikeGeada Com Inverno

Deals heavy water damage to an enemy.Moonstone +12, Blackrock +12,
Water+ 4,
Earth SpiritChame A Terra Elemental

Summons Earth SpiritHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.40120
Flame SpiritChame O Fogo Elemental

Summons Fire SpiritHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.40120
Storm SpiritChame O Ar Elemental

Summons Air SpiritHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.40120
Water SpiritChame A Agua Elemental

Summons Water SpiritHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.40120

Here are the spells contained in «Codex Damnorum».

The Codex Damnorum contains 16 spells. The book can only be looted from monsters that can drop Pagan Reagents. Scrolls are obtained in the same way.
Spells from the book consume pagan reagents with skill requirements from 85 to 140.
Using a skill is possible with a skill that is 20 less than required. Example: The Control Undead spell requires 85 magery skill, with 65 Magery skill the character already has a chance to cast this spell.

There are different types of spells relevant to different elements.

This book can be used by a Mage, Hunter and a Wanderer.

TitleSpellResourcesSpell descriptionSpell protectionElementMana requiredSkill required
Control UndeadNutu Magistri Supplicare

Temporarily clouds the mind of the enemy (undead) and subdues him.HarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.4085
DarknessIn Caligne Abditus
Deals damage from the magic of the dead, without protection the target receives the effect of missed hitsMoonstone +10, Blackrock +10,
Necro +4
Decaying RayUmbra Aufero Vita2-

Deals magic damage from the magic of the dead, and reduces the armor properties.Moonstone +10, Blackrock +10,
Necro +4
Spectre’s TouchEnervare

Deals magic damage to the target and nearby enemies.Blackrock +10,
Necro +4
Abyssal FlameOrinundus Barathrum Erado Hostes Hostium

Inflicts huge fire from two elements in the area of the spellBlackrock +12,
Necro +4
Fire +4
Animate DeadCorpus Sine Nomine Expergefaceret
Resurrects your target’s corpse (monster) and binds it to obeyHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.60105
SacrificeAnimus Ex Corporis Resolveretur
Sacrifices your Servant and deals damage to others within 3 squares, relevant to some of the Servant’s health.Blackrock +12,
Necro +4
Wraith’s BreathManes Sollicti Mi Compellere Summons the souls that paralyze you and prevent you from moving and doing anything.
Removed by the Dispel spell.
Blackrock +12,
Necro +4.
Freeaction +2
Sorcerer’s BaneFluctus Perturbo Magus Navitas Sets your target on fire for Fire damage, splashes with dealing the equal amount of damage like Fire.Moonstone +13, Blackrock +13,
Necro +4,
Fire +4
Summon SpiritManes Turbidi Sollictique Resolverent Summons undead to fight for you.HarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.85125
WraithformManes Sollicti Mihi Infundite Transforms into a ghost and deals damage to everyone aroundBlackrock +13Isn’t relevant to elements.85125
Wyvern StrikeUmbrae Tenebrae Venarent Inflicts massive Earth damage to the enemy and poisons the target.Moonstone +13, Blackrock +13,
Poison +6,
Earth +4
KillUlties Manum Necarent Deals massive magic damage from the magic of the dead.Moonstone +16, Blackrock +16,
Necro +4,
LicheUmbrae Tenebrae Miserere Animi Non Digna Ferentis Temporarily turns a character into an undead acquiring special stats: increases mana, health, and physical defense. Casting Heal, Greater Heal, Resurrection on yourself damages you severely.Moonstone +8,
Isn’t relevant to elements.150140
PlagueFluctus Puter Se Aresceret Poisons all nearby enemies in the area of the spell.Tempered +16, Necro +4, Necro150140
SpellbindNutu Magistri Se Compellere Temporarily tames the specified targetHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.150140

Here are the spells contained in «Holy Book».

The Holy Book contains 9 spells. The book can only be looted from monsters that can drop Pagan Reagents. Scrolls are obtained in the same way.
Spells from the book consume pagan reagents with skill requirements from 85 to 140.
Using a skill is possible with a skill that is 20 less than required. Example: The Grand Feast spell requires 85 magery skill, with 65 Magery skill the character already has a chance to cast this spell.

There are different types of spells relevant to different elements.

This book can be used by a Mage, Hunter and a Wanderer.

TitleSpellResourcesSpell descriptionSpell protectionElementMana requiredSkill required
Grand FeastPluris De Epulum
Creates a large amount of food.HarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.4085
Angelic AuraTactum Angelus

Heals you and everyone around you.HarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.4085
Holy ReflectSanctus Utor Telum

the spell grants a protective magical barrier to surrounding alliesMoonstone +10, Tempered +10Isn’t relevant to elements.4085
Remove CurseAufero Pestis
Removes a curse from an item and therefore allows you to remove the item from the character.HarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.60105
Wrath of GodJudicium Incursus

Deals damage to your opponent depending on karma. If your karma is greater than that of your opponent, then damage will be dealt. If there is more than you, the spell will return to you.Moonstone +12, Blackrock +12,
Holy +4,
Divine FuryDivinitus Ira

Deals Holy Elemental DamageMoonstone +12, Blackrock +12,
Holy +4,
Astral StormCaelum Tempestas

Paralyzes the target and deals Holy damage over timeMoonstone +13, Blackrock +13,
Holy +4,
Freeaction +1
Summon GuardianChame O Lucis Spiritus

Summons a holy or dark wisp. The difference is in the presence of karma.HarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.85125
ApocolypseMortis De Fatum

Deals massive damage with various elements.Moonstone +13, Blackrock +13,
Holy +4,
Isn’t relevant to elements.150140

Here are the spells contained in «Song Book».

The Song Book contains 20 song spells. The book can only be looted from monsters that can drop Pagan Reagents. Scrolls are obtained in the same way.
To insert the scrolls into the book, you need to purchase an inkwell from the Bard merchant NPC.
Spells from the book consume normal or pagan reagents, as well as some items. To use the spell, you must have Magery and Musicianship skills.
The skill level required for the Song Book is from 70 to 140.
You can use the Book with a skill that is 20 less than required.

There are different types of spells relevant to different elements.

This book can be used only by a Bard.

TitleSpellResourcesSpell descriptionSpell protectionElementStamina requiredMagery skill requiredMusicianship skill required
Musical ShieldQui imperium mihi Circumda Stringsu Scutum

Creates a barrier for yourself and nearby allies that absorbs some of the damageHarmless. The shield can be removed with Dispel.Isn’t relevant to elements.30(м)7070
RegenerationTune O infinitum da Terrae vim regenerativam

Creates pulsation that restores health.HarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.30(м)7070
ProtectionO magni animi movens fluxiones Jube Energia statura

Increases your physical protection and all nearby alliesHarmless.Isn’t relevant to elements.30(м)7070
CalmManifestation Musica voluntas Obedite inimicos meos et aequo

Paralyzes all nearby enemiesBlackrock +11, Necro +4Necro30(м)7070
SubmissionTune ieiunabunt O Harmonia Universalis Jube Lorem fluidne

Affects mounts, throws the rider off the mountBlackrock +11, Necro +4Necro40(м)10570
WeaknessSit depre attenuare mi poema

Temporarily reduces the physical damage of all enemiesBlackrock +11, Necro +4Necro40(м)105100
Curato MusicaObducam enim cicatricem tibi cunctis diebus vestris ut vivatis ne pugnes

Restores your stamina and all nearby alliesHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.40(м)105100
Mentis MusicaRestaurata animus tuus non sit, non delaboro

Restores your mana and all nearby alliesHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.40(м)105100
Divina MusicaSurge vade quia iam non tu infirmum

Restores all of your stats and all nearby alliesHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.55(м)125125
HasteAdfor Adiudico Festinatio Adsimulo Volo

Temporarily increases your agility and your alliesHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.12-18(st)125125
DefenseImpertio Cutis Adsimulo Scrupeus

Temporarily increases your armor and your alliesHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.12-18(st)125125
GloryObtestor Tribuo Dominatus Fortuno

Temporarily increases all of your stats and all nearby alliesHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.17-23(st)125125
CloakingVelo Ipse Attritus Iniquus

Temporarily hides you and your alliesHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.26(st)130130
LifeVotum Spiritus Medicor Plaga

Restores your health and your alliesHarmlessIsn’t relevant to elements.24-30(st)140140
EarthTerra Caelesits Impertio Istic Furor

Deals Earth Elemental damage to all enemies around the casterBlackrock +13,
Earth +4,
AirAetherius Caelesits Impertio Istic Furor

Deals Air Elemental damage to all enemies around the casterBlackrock +13,
FireIgnis Caelesits Impertio Istic Furor

Deals Fire Elemental damage to all enemies around the casterBlackrock +14,
WaterAqua Caelesits Impertio Istic Furor

Deals Water Elemental damage to all enemies around the casterBlackrock +14,
FrightRefugio Iniquus Abutor Reverentia

Inflicts Holy elemental damage to all enemies around the caster.Blackrock +14,
SalvationMisericordia Dono Animo Exanimalis

Resurrects all allies around the caster or deals damage to undeadHarmless to the living (undead only)Isn’t relevant to elements.70-82(st)140140

How to use the skill

All classes can have Magery skill, although some of them are limited in Spell circle.

For example, a Warrior can cast some spells of higher magic circles like Mark, Gate Travel, Recall. These spells are available to this class to make it easier to move around. The rest of the spells are limited – spells of 1 and 2 magic circles only.

Speaking of limits, even those classes that use the specified skill to reach their character level have them.
For example, Bard cannot use Book of the Earth, Codex Damnorum, but he has a very powerful Book of Songs.

Speed and power of the spell

Each spell has its own special property or effect. There are spells that deals damage, increase or decrease stats, summon, etc.

The power of each spell directly depends on the magical efficiency. Items that give a bonus to magical efficiency can be created from leather by a Crafter.
The speed of the spell depends on the level of the character and enchanted items with a speed bonus (jewelry).
For example, a Mage receives a certain amount of spell speed and magical efficiency per level.

In addition, the Magery skill itself and intellect affect the power of spells.

Spell disrupt

If a spell is cast successfully, your mouse cursor will change into a circle (targeting). The spell will work after clicking on a target.

There is a casting time for the spell specified in milliseconds. You can see it on the left side of the screen.

All Spellbook spells can be cast while moving, but you must stop at the last moment before the cursor appears, otherwise, the spell will be interrupted.

In addition, only a Mage at the highest level can cast all spells while moving.
Same here, though. You must stop at the last moment before the cursor appears and select your target, otherwise, the spell will be interrupted.

If a target isn’t selected for a long time, the circle cursor disappears and the spell is disrupted.

Ways of leveling your skill

The magic skill is very pricey due to the resources used. For the Spell Book, you can purchase all the reagents in the store, which makes it easier to train Magery up to 100. In the future, you will have to look for a more powerful book that is dropped from all monsters that give Pagan Reagents.

There are several ways to level your skill from the beginner level.

0-33: Buy the skill from a Mage Vendor or select it when creating your character;
33-41: Teleport;
41-51: Recall;
51-61: Incognito;
61-71: Reveal, Energy Bolt;
71-81: Flame Strike;
81-100: Resurrection;
100-115: scribe scroll from the Earth Book and use Gust Of Air spell;
115-135: scribe scroll from the Earth Book and use Ice Strike spell;
135-150: use Liche scroll, scribe scroll from the Codex Damnorum and use Kill spell.

Here is a detailed video of how the skill is used: