Dark Matter. Part 2 (ended)

Winner: The quest is over

After the received information the scrolls were partially decrypted.
There are no speakers of the dead language left that’s why the data is so vague and unclear….
A city of thieves and murderers is mentioned. There, even before its appearance, magical tiles were hidden from the human eye.
They are capable of transferring one into the darkest places, where no human being has ever stepped before.
It’s still unknown how to locate the portals and what to pronounce so they would open.

The Greatest Mage of the Tower ensures us that the missing information will be gathered before the expedition begins.
If you are ready for the adventure, finish whatever you had to do and say goodbye to your beloved…we have no idea what’s waiting ahead. This trip might turn out to be the last one!

From the latest messages, it was clear that there is going to be a harsh path…
The message said something about the runes with some words scribed on them. With the help of them, you can teleport to the city of murderers…
Unfortunately, there is no information on where to seek them… The only thing that is obvious is that the runes are hidden in the most dangerous places in our world.
It’s the habitat of some vicious and unpredictable creatures.
Another thing that we know of is that half of all runes are fake…

Your task:
Find the runes with the spell description. When the spell is pronounced, the tile will bring you to the dark lair. Find the runes, pronounce the spell, and clear the location from monsters.

Be cautious while pronouncing the spell on a tile. Who knows what might be waiting for you on the other side…