News about the last event

During the “Fight to the Death” event, there has been a critical error in the location check. Errors happen and sometimes they have a bigger impact than we would expect. To cut the long story short, the function that was responsible for clearing the equipment offered for the event didn’t work well, thus all the players remained with the items they had previously received.

The winners of the event:

  1. Exclusive.
  2. WeAreRussian.
  3. JanJak

In total, we had 10 participants and 2 of them, after the error had occurred, sold the equipment they received to the vendors, obtaining the following in return:

  1. Lord Vader 865 Zulu Coin.
  2. Dracula 525 Zulu Coin.

The punishment for their greed and dishonesty would be deducting 5 times as much of their “Zulu Coins profit”.