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A note was found in a burnt house. Almost all the text on it was ruined. The scribblers figured out only the following: “They are not people, they are beasts! They used magic unknown before to infect everything around them! A substance was sprayed in the air. Monsters summon upon their death.”

Stop using macros for a while and kill those monsters. There is a chance to get a Halloween parasite out of them. Kill the parasite and save ZuluHotel. Collect quest items “Halloween pumpkins” and use them.

Use “Halloween Pumpkins” to get the following rewards:

2Anti Darkness FeyIt clears the missed hits off the character
100Color Your PetTo color your or someone else’s pet, use the item, enter the text and point to the object (pet)
1Energy DrinkRestores health when used. Works separately from all possible healing.
700Hair ColorTo dye the character’s hair, enter the color you choose.
15Loot Bonus PotionIncreases the chance of finding a magic item by 15%. The current potion is removed with Dispell or upon death. Works along with the Looter perk and Premium perk summing up all the bonuses.
1MilkshakeRemoves poison when used.
10YummyIncreases all of your stats when used.

The above-mentioned items will work only during the event, so there is no point in saving something for later.

The event takes place from the 28th of October 2023 8:00 p.m. +3 UTC until the 2nd of November 8:00 p.m. +3 UTC.



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The treasure has been found.

The reward goes to УТРО. The encrypted coordinates were 1852 1625.

Since only one coordinate number was correct, 40 locations had to be checked. We thank everyone for your participation and your patience. The next event will be more effortless 🙂

P.S. Dear players, We’d appreciate you sharing your ideas about the following events. The plan for the event is usually like this:

  1. The background story (encrypted message or a history).
  2. The plan of the event from the beginning until the end.
  3. Rewards and prizes.



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Dear players,
The event has started.

The Alchemist states that the remains of the Great Mage can be found on the territory of the Minoc city. A greedy miner said that his remains were found by his friends (he calls them brothers) and collected in various miners’ chests like trash. Although they forgot about them some time after and put them at their homes along with their loot.
It is reported that the traps will be activated if any of the brother miners are gone missing.

Get the remains of the Great Mage and bring them to the Alchemist in Newbie Town.

P.S. In every chest, you will find an impressive reward.

The territory of the Minoc City has No loot, No Guards, and No Gate.
You’ll find teleports to the Minoc City at the Market Square and in Newbie Town.



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10:30 p.m. +3 UTC


The Alchemist requires the help of all Britain’s citizens this Friday the 19th of May at 10:30 p.m. +3 UTC.
The Alchemist has decyphered the previously found pages. They tell about a great Mage who is long gone. The Alchemist decided to resurrect the Mage. However, there was no corpse in the discovered grave. What was left is a lot of miners’ equipment. The Alchemist suspects miners to be blamed for having moved the body.
The task is to find the Mage’s remains and bring them to the Alchemist.

After the official announcement of the start of the event, the location of the quest will be protected (No loot, No Steal, No Pvp, No Guard Zone). Look for the updates here in Discord or in the Telegram channel.

Besides the abovementioned details, the Alchemist warns that the search will be very difficult.



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On Saturday 15 people came to the explosive tournament on Saturday, but there were no winners. Everybody died 🙁

Thanks to those who came to the 2×2 tournament with their own equipment on Sunday. All evaluating skills.
1st place: YTPO, non ebuona
2nd place: APTEMKA, End
3rd place: Shawarma, Ernesto

There were 12 participants and 1 spectator in total.



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10:30 p.m. +3 UTC


The tournaments scheduled for this weekend:

  1. This Saturday, May, 6th 2023 at 10:30 p.m. +3 UTC there will be an explosive tournament with provided equipment.

The participants’ prizes are 1250 Zulu Coins and 15 Arena Coins.
The finalist’s reward (only one winner) is 50 Arena Coins и 1250 Zulu Coins.

  1. On Sunday, May, 7th 2023 at 10:30 p.m. +3 UTC there will be a 2×2 tournament with your alley. (Your equipment and your choice of a partner) Players without an alley won’t be allowed to participate.

The reward for all participants is 1250 Zulu Coins and 15 Arena Coins.
The reward for the 1st place is 50 Arena Coins и 1250 Zulu Coins to each.
The reward for the 2 place is 35 Arena Coins и 850 Zulu Coins to each.
The reward for the 3 place is 25 Arena Coins и 650 Zulu Coins to each.



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8 p.m. +3 UTC


I work at an alchemist shop in Newbie Town. Many different travelers come to me to get various items. One ordinary day I decided to finish up earlier, as I wasn’t that young anymore and just couldn’t sit by my desk with all the flasks.

I spent my days in the shop. I was everything I had. After locking the doors I sat down to rest when my eyes caught a view of a peculiar book. It was a present from a strange wanderer wearing a cape. The book was about dragons. I was aware that most dragons inhabit Destard but the book enlightened me about their kinds and helped me find out more about these majestic and cruel creatures. Having read half of the book I noticed the pages had been torn.

Several weeks later I realized that somebody was watching me. It was that same wanderer. I just had to ask him about the book so I invited him over.

– I was intrigued by your book. Would you like to tell me more about it?

-I had been studying this book for many years. When I found it in a burnt house between Britain and Minoc it was lying in the center of the fire but remained absolutely untouched, as if it had a protective shield from the fire, as if it couldn’t harm the book. When I picked it up it wasn’t even warm. Working over it I couldn’t figure out what kind of magic it had, though it looked like a plain book. My research came to a dead end and I had nothing else to do except to give it to you hoping you could have some fresh thoughts about it.

We had been talking for a while but hadn’t reached a conclusion.

I don’t remember how much time has passed since then. The book was always on my table and having lost sharp interest in it, I started to use it as a burner stand. I had lots of customers who asked to enchant their armor with the alchemist’s symbols. That one time I had to apply for dragon protection on a shield. I created a chemical reaction from a dragon’s flame and the enchantment potion which went out of my control. I spilled a drop of the potion on the book and suddenly it grew wings and a tail that made it look like a small dragon. The book dropped down on the table and the pages started flipping until they reached its middle. Mystic shining was glowing from the center of the book. I knew for sure there was a living soul in it. I tried to touch the shine flowing from it and saw where the missing pages were.

Later on the 26th of April at 8:00 +3 UTC, the Alchemist will share some information about where to look for the missing pages.



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11 p.m. +3 UTC


Dear players,
On the 15th of April 2023 at 11:00 p.m. +3 UTC, there will be a 1×1 tournament with provided equipment.

1st place: 70 Arena Coin, Prem + Looter.
2nd place: 50 Arena Coin, Prem + Looter.
3rd place: 30 Arena Coin, Prem + Looter.

All the participants will receive 10 Arena Coins and 750 Zulu Coins.



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On the 18th of March, an Oklo vessel with precious metals, fabrics, and gems was supposed to enter the port of Britain. It never arrived on the expected date. The Lord of Britain ordered to start searching for the vessel. Here is the report of a British ship’s captain Sir Wiysiz from April. 6th:
“I was instructed to organize the search. I have chosen the fastest ship on the property of the Lord of Britain. We set off as soon as the crew was equipped. Wandering through the empty waters we encountered different ship racks. None of them was proved to be under the Oklo’s flag. Near the shores of Trinsic, we noticed a pirate’s flag. Later we saved a man overboard who turned out to be a pirate. Nevertheless, we fed him and gave him water, and interrogated him after. From what he told us we understood that the vessel we were looking for was captured and taken to the settlement of Buk (a settlement of pirates, robbers, and murderers) Returning to the city of Britannia we brought the found pirate to the city guards.
A month later the ship’s crew was discovered in the swamp area near the Destard dungeon.
We fought the pilates but had no chance. Although we were able to drown one of their ships. When they captured our vessel we stayed in its hold all the time. we were almost never visited all by ourselves. Occasionally we would hear the yelling and sinning of the drunken pirates. It all changed after one time. They sailed to some island and let us go not even giving a damn about like. Like we’ve always lived there. Many strong men were among us. Some of them started fishing, some went hunting. We were just trying to survive and later we managed to swim across the waters to the nearest island. The goods remained with the pirates. It is no secret that they were the Rotten Leg Pirates. . “

Announcement of the Lord of Britain:
Find the pirates and return the goods.

The quest starts on 7, April at 9:00 p.m. +3 UTC
You should search the whole world and find the Rotten Leg Pirates, their house, or anything else related to them. There is no point in starting your search before the beginning of the quest.



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This Saturday, 8th April at 11:00 p.m. +3 UTC there will be a 2×2 couples tournament with your equipment.


Dear players, if you have no friend to participate with you can always try finding it during the tournament.

The prizes (10 Arena Coins and 750 Zulu Coins) will be given to all the participants.

For the 1st place taken: 50 Arena Coins, 1000 Zulu coins, Premium and Looter perks to each one in a pair.
For the 2nd place taken: 30 Arena Coins, 1000 Zulu coins, Premium and Looter perks to each one in a pair.
For the 1st place taken: 15 Arena Coins, 1000 Zulu coins, Premium and Looter perks to each one in a pair.
You can also resurrect the allies.

