
There is a dynamic system of classes in the world of ZuluHotel. Therefore, by training certain class skills that belong to a certain class your character will receive additional bonuses.
You may find more valuable information in the article below.
There are 8 classes:
Bard, Crafter, Warrior, Mage, Ranger, Thief, Hunter, Wanderer. Each class can reach 7 level.
To find out your class and level type .myinfo command in the game.
Level and class skills’ percentage from
general skills
Upon gaining a level, the character will become more resilient because his health will be increased. Your character will inflict more damage. Item crafting will become more efficient and items will become more powerful.
This table contains the following information:
The level is limited from 1 to 7.
Class skills’ percentage from
general skills. Having skills that belong only to a certain class, for example, a Warrior, will result in 100%. If you have another skill that is not related to your class, the percentage will be decreased. If the percentage drops below the maximum indicated in the table, the character’s level will be reduced.
The minimum number of general skills required. Having all 8 class skills, like a Warrior, the skills may be of any level but of 600 total so that the character could reach 1 level.
The maximum total number.
The numbers in the table, for example, 1000, indicate that having 1 skill level and having skills from other classes in total being equal to or less than 999 together with the main skills, keeps the character on the 1 level. As the level increases, the number of additional skills decreases.
Class levels:
Level | Class skill from general skills in % | Min number of total skills | Min number of total skills |
1 | 60% | 600 | 1000 |
2 | 68% | 720 | 1058 |
3 | 76% | 840 | 1105 |
4 | 84% | 960 | 1142 |
5 | 92% | 1080 | 1173 |
6 | 100% | 1200 | 1200 |
7 | 100% | 1320 | 1320 |
For the Wanderer, there is a different skill level system. A level is obtained when a certain number of skills are reached. If these skills match the table, there will be no Wanderer’s level, as another class will take priority.
Thus, in order to get the level of a Wanderer, it is necessary to reach a certain number of skills and reduce the percentage of class skills < 60.
1 level = 2000
2 level = 2500
3 level = 3000
4 level = 3500
5 level = 4500
6 level = 5500
7 level = 7000

You can lock any skill and it will not be trained until this lock is removed.
Paperdoll – Skills – Put a lock next to a skill.
Skills that do not affect the character’s level
Not so long ago, skills that do not reduce the level of the character have been modified. They also have unique bonuses that make using them interesting.
Class uniqueness
Upon reaching the game level, the character receives special properties of his class. They have both positive and negative bonuses.

Powerful fighters that crash their enemies in short-range combats. One of the few classes that have enough protection to fight one-to-one with the toughest monsters and disgraceful killers.
- High training of strength and agility stats
- Healing with a bandage is most effective
- Brilliant in a short-distance battle
- Higher chance to parry the attack
- Available to wear all types of armor.
- Recall, Mark, and Gate Travel spells are available.
- Slower Intellect training
- Healing with magic is quite weak
- Not too good in Magery
- A limited number of available spells.
Warrior’s skills:
This class has some bonuses. The higher the level, the stronger the bonuses.
Upon reaching the level, the Warrior receives the following bonuses:
Health Boost +10 per level.

Mages possess the inconceivable powers that created the universe. They use powerful spells to create and destroy. Hidden knowledge helps them in transmutation, making artifacts, and magical potions. Mage’s path is winding and thorny, but whoever doesn’t turn off the road is bound for power and glory.
- High level of intelligence.
- Healing magic is the most effective.
- Brilliant in the use of magic.
- Increased chance of magic resistance.
- Passive effects from maces and staves.
- Dexterity training is reduced.
- Limited in wearing armor and shields.
- Weak in weapon use.
Mage’s skills:
This class has some bonuses and restrictions. The higher the level, the stronger they are expressed.
Upon reaching the level, the Mage receives the following bonuses:
Increased hit from MaceFighting weapons.
Magic Efficiency Boost +30 per level.
Health Boost +10 per level.
Spell casting speed +1% per level.
After reaching level 6, a Mage begins to cast spells while moving and needs to stop only at the end of the spell (targeting) so as not to break it.

Bard is the strongest class, based on his ability to help the allies. The bard has strong combat skills such as Magery and Archery.
By combining them, he copes well with all the difficulties that can occur during the battle.
- Bard is the only one who can use the Song Book which contains a large number of spells.
- “Backstab” – Inflicts increased damage to the enemy from behind.
- As his level rises, the speed of casting spells and magic efficiency increase as well.
- He has one-handed small arms in his arsenal.
- Intelligence and dexterity grow faster.
- Can provoke monsters, calm them down, and control them by commanding them where to move.
- Restricted to wearing heavy armor and shields.
- Limited in use of Earth Book, Codex Damnorum, and Holy Book.
- Strength rises slower.
Bard’s skills:
This class has some restrictions. The higher the level, the stronger they affect.
Upon reaching the level, the Bard receives the following bonuses:
Magic efficiency increases +15 per level.
Health Boost +10 per level.

Discreet and sneaky warriors of shadow. They struggle for their living by stealing and poisoning food or weapons, depending on what brings more profit.
- Longer stealth.
- Brilliant Poison Skills.
- Possesses poison in his arsenal, from which there is no protection.
- Knows how to break closed doors and locks.
- Deals increased damage from behind.
- Deals increased damage from stealth and disarms the enemy.
- Will never let someone rob him.
- Inferior to all classes in open combat.
- Cannot wear mail, heavy armor, or shields.
- Has a limited number of spells used.
Thief’s skills:
This class has some restrictions. The higher the level, the stronger the bonuses.
Upon reaching the level, the Thief receives the following bonuses:
Increased number of steps in Stealth;
Deals increased damage from stealth and disarms the enemy;
Deals increased damage from behind;
Health boost +10 per level;
Deadly poison from which there is no protection (at 6 lvl). With each level gained, the poison affects faster.

Crafters manufacture high-quality items made of wood, metal, or cloth. It will require lots of determination and cooperate with other classes.
Items made by a Crafter can defy the most powerful artifacts and magic weapons.
- Obtains more resources;
- Crafts Exceptional and Perfect items.
- Can’t fight;
- Can’t wear heavy armor;
- Can’t use strong magic;
Crafter’s skills:
This class has some restrictions. The higher the level, the stronger the impact.
Upon reaching the level, the Bard receives the following bonuses:
Increased number of resources obtained with Mining and Lumberjacking skills;
More often craft items of exceptional and excellent quality, which become more powerful with each level;
Health Boost +10 per level.

These characters not only have excellent Archery talent but can brilliantly track people and animals. Rangers can tame the wildest monsters.
- The most accuracy while firing from a distance.
- Requires less skill to tame.
- Increased animal healing.
- Being able to catch rare fish.
- Not capable of wearing heavy armor.
- Reduced damage dealt at minimum firing distance
Ranger’s skills:
This class has some restrictions. The higher the level, the stronger the impact.
Upon reaching the level, the Bard receives the following bonuses:
Health Boost +10 per level;
Upon reaching the 6th level can cast “Mark”, “Gate Travel”, “Dispel”, “Energy Field”, “Dispel Field”, “Magic Reflection” spells with no Magery skill;
Improves hit accuracy from a distance with each level.

Hunter is a fierce slayer of undead, demons, and other monsters. Stands guard for civilians’ peace, thus is rather harmless and mostly can’t fight other players.
- Powerful physical protection from monsters.
- Deals more damage to all types of monsters.
- Has 12 class skills, instead of 8, which surpasses all other classes in terms of damage.
Has no advantages against other players in a close-range fight.
Hunter’s skills:
This class has some restrictions. The higher the level, the stronger the impact.
Upon reaching the level, the Bard receives the following bonuses:
Health Boost +10 per level;
Magic resistance +10 per level;
Magic efficiency increases by +5 per level.
A Hunter is required to have 12 skills to receive a new level.
1 level = 900.
2 level = 1080.
3 level = 1260.
4 level = 1440.
5 level = 1620.
6 level = 1800.
7 level = 1980.

Wanderer is a character that is able to have all the skills of other classes.
When leveling, the character starts to receive bonuses.
- Gains a bonus to physical defense when leveling up.
- Gains more health than other classes.
Deals several times less damage than any other game class.
Wanderer’s skills:
This character may have absolutely all skills.
This class has some bonuses of all classes but doesn’t have their limitations. The higher the level, the higher the bonuses.
When a Wanderer gains a level, he receives the following bonuses:
On the 1 level, he receives 5 health, and 8 % of magic efficiency.
On the 2 level, he receives 10 health and 8 % of magic efficiency.
On the 3 level, he receives 10 health and 8 % of magic efficiency.
On the 4 level, he receives 10 health and 8 % of magic efficiency.
On the 5 level, he receives 10 health and 8 % of magic efficiency.
On the 6 level, he receives 10 health and 13 % of magic efficiency.
On the 7 level, he receives 10 health and 23 % of magic efficiency.
A Wanderer has to train any skills to have a total number of skill points specified in the table to get a new level:
1 level = 2000.
2 level = 2500.
3 level = 3000.
4 level = 3500.
5 level = 4500.
6 level = 5500.
7 leve l= 7000.
General game info
We recommend training your skills from 0 to 75 in “Newbie Town”.
Skills that help obtain resources (ore, logs, sand, fish, clay) are limited in this town. This means that after some time when your skill reaches 75 you won’t have that much of resources obtained.
You may place a Home Dummy in your newly purchased home. It will help you train combat skills.
You can train skills from 0 to 200 with some additional conditions. When your skill rises to 130 it is locked for further training. Use the in-game command .showcaps to continue training the skill. You can buy or find in loot Random Tome, which gives you a random skill scroll when used. This unlocks +1 any random skill from the list.
The character’s stats, such as strength, agility, and intellect are trained until 130 just like the main skills. You can increase them to 170 with Zulu Coins. You can receive Zulu Coins for selling artifacts, killing mutants, or items that provide stats increase found in loot. In .myinfo menu you may choose one skill and one stat that can be increased to 200.
You may use the Restore Skill Stone to switch your class keeping all the skills you have obtained until then. The cost is 100 Zulu coins.

When using this stone you may select some specific skills or select the class skills altogether. Confirm the selected skill or class to apply to your character.
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Enjoy your game!